If you have forgotten the pin click on the button I forgot my pin

Sign In

Don't have a pin?

By  joining  our  online  system  you  can:

If you own the apartment renter

  • Display a notice and print it
  • Display a consolidated spending statement and print it

If our company manages your apartment building

  • Pay your bills by credit or debit card
  • Show when and when a notice was paid.
  • You can report any payment to the bank.
  • Display of scanned outputs.

If you are a manager

  • You can see the amount of unpaid bills
  • a breakdown of who owes public accounts
  • any date notice form has been issued and print it.

The user of our on-line payment service accepts the terms of use for making distance transactions. (Indicative: Consumer Protection Act 2251/1994 as amended and in force.)

Online was created by WinKoin

Updating information and payments online is done in real time .

By using the Online you fully agree to the terms of use as described on homepage

(c) 2024 SpitiSpiti

Fill out the form below and we'll send you the code.

If you have filled in the above information correctly and click SEND DETAILS, then we will receive the information and after completing the registration, we will send you the pin code to your email. Thank you for your cooperation.